Saturday, December 31, 2011

GPS Tracking Devices

!±8± GPS Tracking Devices

Had it not been for a GPS tracking device in OJ Simpson's mobile phone, he would not have been found to be tried on his wife's murder. A GPS tracking device is much like driving around in your car with your mobile phone. It allows a person to locate the current position of a moving vehicle or identify where its been and as well, where it is heading. This is ideal for chasing criminals who has just fled the scene of the crime or finding where a suspicious vehicle will be heading next.

A GPS device calculates its position by measuring distances between itself and other GPS satellites. In return, the signals emitted by the GPS tracking device are transmitted to tracking service provider by cell phone technology. Then this information is made available to you via the internet. Aside from absolute location, other civilian benefits in GPS tracking devices include direction of travel, average speed and time of travel. This information is very valuable to the fleet manager of any business.

Other benefits of GPS tracking devices is the ability to know the location of each vehicle or carrier on a map. This technology can also create a digital view of the vehicles current position in a geographic map which is also an additional feature for vehicles with GPS. This allows you to track vehicles that are operated in remote locations without named roads or operated off road.

More advanced GPS devices can even tell you which turn to take or which roads to take to reach a destination. Life is now easier drivers who simply get in their cars and start their engines without knowing where to go. GPS in vehicles have given eyes to the almost blind driver. The world is much smaller these days as a result of this new technology. For each geographic location we are at, have been or going to, can now be identified with a simple click of a button.

So, if you ever wonder where your car may be, your GPS can track where it is. If for instance your car gets stolen, you can easily find where it is heading or where it currently is. Suppose a vehicle stops in the middle of nowhere because of some car trouble, the driver could easily ask for help, or his location could easily be tracked for emergency assistance, that is for as long as there is a signal and cell phone coverage is available. Real time GPS tracking systems will not work without it. These features will definitely decrease car theft or even robberies with getaway vehicles. This can also give cheating husbands or spouses a second thought on their actions. Moving around in vehicles with GPS can very well ruin a secret affair because of its non-discreet ability to identify ones exact location.

With the advent of such technology, GPS in your mobile phones or GPS in your cars, we are giving away a part of our private lives to know where our vehicles and loved ones are. We are giving up away our privacy and that is a big concern for many people. If you do install a GPS tracking device, then you should expect that somebody else can have access to your tracking information.. But, for as long as knowing where we are can do no harm and you are not doing something illegal, then GPS tracking device information will do us no harm.

GPS Tracking Devices

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

GPS Cat Tracking Collars Can Be Hard To Find

!±8± GPS Cat Tracking Collars Can Be Hard To Find

Cat GPS tracking collars seem like a great idea for keeping tabs on your wandering feline. Outfit a tracking collar with a global positioning device that knows its current location at all times. The GPS device can then periodically send its longitude and latitude position to some base station by simply transmitting it over the cellular phone network. Once received, the location information is uploaded to a website which allows you to monitor your cat's location. Not only is this GPS tracking system a good idea, it's already being used in a variety of ways -- from car navigation systems to locating lost hikers.

However, the typical GPS cat tracking system is difficult to locate -- at least in the United States. The main problem is that GPS technology has not been miniaturized to the point of making GPS cat collars small enough and light enough for most household cats. Domestic cats are simply unable to bear the weight of the current GPS electronics and power supply.

The only websites that advertise GPS cat tracking collars seem to be located in Europe, and those particular European devices are fairly large -- weighing over 90g. Most average sized cats would only be able to carry an 80g tracking collar comfortably.

The other downside to GPS tracking collars, and this goes for both cat tracking collars and dog tracking collars, is that GPS collars typically have monthly fees associated with them. This is because the GPS collars will normally utilize the cellular phone networks for transmitting location information and the cellular networks all have monthly charges. So if you wish to avoid monthly fees you will have to use another type of technology for the cat tracking collar.

One of the best options that I have found is to use a short range radio tracking collar. This kind of tracking collar transmits a periodic beacon signal that is detected by a directional receiver. With the receiver you are able to tell in which direction your cat is located by how strong a signal you are detecting. In addition, as you get closer to the radio collar the beacon signal also gets stronger so you can determine both the relative direction and distance to your cat.

These short range radio cat tracking collars have two distinct advantages over the cat GPS collars. First, because they use free radio frequencies you avoid the monthly cellular network fees used by the GPS systems. Second, the electronics used with these short range devices can be made small and light enough for any domestic cat to wear. The tracking system on the collar only has to beacon a weak signal so the amount of electronics and power requirements are low. These types or cat tracking collars just need a small coin battery for power.

There is one disadvantage to using a radio tracking collar. Unlike the cat GPS locators you would not be able to pinpoint the longitude and latitude of your cat since the radio collar does not transmit any exact location coordinates -- just distance and directional information that you can detect via the relative signal strength with the directional receiver. However, since cats usually do not wander miles away in a short time span -- my cats are usually within a block of my house -- having exact location information to track on a website does not seem as critical in my view.

The other perceived disadvantage of a short range radio cat locator collar is that it will not work over long distances as compared to the GPS collar. That is only partially true. While a GPS collar that is using the cellular network may be able to transmit location information over a longer distance, cellular network systems are also susceptible to interference and signal loss. If your cat should wander into a hole or a cave or some area that is not being serviced by a cellular tower, then the GPS collar would not work.

A short range radio collar would be able to work in much more remote areas and in places where the cellular phone networks cannot reach since the radio collar only needs to transmit as far as the receiver while the GPS cat collar needs to transmit to the nearest cellular tower.

So consider a radio cat collar as a cat tracking device if you cannot find a cat GPS collar that fits your needs and budget.

GPS Cat Tracking Collars Can Be Hard To Find

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Clicker Training - bond alien dog collar with food Chaining a remote dog training collar with food, is just one of the many things that Fred Hassen and the Sit Means Sit dog training system have done over the years in revolutuionizing the world of remote electronic dog training, or ecollars or shock collars as they are sometimes referred to as years ago. The 'Sit Means Sit dog training collar' which was devised by Fred Hassen in conjunction with Sportdog, has been made in a way that is unique to this system of training. Here is a similar example with a 3 1 old puppy: This process is demonstrated in this version of our daily dog training video tip. Be sure to subscribe to our daily videos to stay on top of the leaders in the remote electronic dog training field.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Animals And Electric Fences

!±8± Animals And Electric Fences

The concern is quite understandable. As a matter of fact, when I heard of invisible, electronic fences for animals at first I thought: "How horrible!" When, in actuality, electronic dog fences are quite safe and very humane means of containing your animal or animals and of avoiding potential unpleasant incidents. When you love your pet, however obnoxious, excitable, or playful, you want to protect him or her from harm such as moving vehicles, or frightened children. Preventing any kind of incident on either end will keep you, your dog or dogs, as well as everyone else happy.

One must remember that unlike humans, virtually all animals have a natural protective layer outside their skin (fur, hide, or feathers, to be precise) that will act as natural insulators against electricity. When a human being makes skin contact with an electrical device such as this, it can take as little as 100 volts to shock him or her. However, when 100 volts hits an animal, the animal feels little if anything at all. You must, of course, be sure to use enough voltage - but realize that more voltage does not necessarily mean more discomfort. What using more voltage can mean, however, is a much higher electricity bill for you - in addition to being a general waste of energy.

You would be surprised how little damage is causes by what may sound or seem like a high amount of electrical voltage. For example: have you ever been "shocked" by touching something or someone and conducting between you a reaction from static electricity? Such sudden sparks transmit ten thousand to thirty thousand volts of electricity easily. So how does a little buzz like that keep an animal in the yard? The precision and technology of an electrical fencing system will jolt the animal in such a way that the muscles will painfully contract - similar to a muscle cramp. In all actuality, that is exactly what it is . . . an electrically induced muscle cramp. Although not serious enough to cause any real damage to an animal, or, for that matter, to cause too much pain, the jolt of electricity is repulsive enough to an animal to keep him or her safely in the yard.

Animals And Electric Fences

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Dog House Training - The Fastest Way to Train Any Dog Not to Pee on Carpet Or Chew Furniture

!±8± Dog House Training - The Fastest Way to Train Any Dog Not to Pee on Carpet Or Chew Furniture

One of the most important phases in a dog's life is house training. It secures the tight bond and good relationship between the master and the dog. It is best for both you and your dog that you start house training as soon as possible. Dogs are very destructive when they are young. They need to strengthen their jaws, teeth and gums and will soon be chewing on your furniture, clothes, or whatever they can if you don't prevent them. Even worse they can easily chew through a live electrical lead, which could be fatal. 

Make sure you provide some good chewing toys instead, so that your dog can exercise on them. Whenever you see your dog chewing anything that he shouldn't you need to give him the appropriate command for him to stop. When he stops that behaviour be sure to praise and reward him. 

When he is a puppy you will need to provide a place for him to defecate. But you don't want to let him play there or he might get confused and think he can use that area for all his activities. If you have provided a box for him to use you can gradually move it towards the back door. Eventually you will be able to put the box outside and the dog will whine at the door to get out whenever he wants to go to the toilet.  

The fastest way to house train your dog is with the use of a citronella collar. Most people have heard of the type with a built in microphone that releases a harmless citronella spray directed to the dog's snout whenever the dog barks. This type of collar is very effective at preventing persistent and annoying dog barking but there is another type of citronella collar available which is most suitable for complete dog training. 

The remote control citronella collar can be operated by the dog owner manually whenever the dog displays unwanted behavior. It is particularly good for house training your dog as you can keep the dog in the same room with you and as soon as you see it going for a pee in the wrong place or biting furniture, etc, you can activate the spray with your remote. These sprays work on the 4 sensory levels of sight, sound, smell and touch and are very effective at curbing unwanted behaviour.

When the spray is activated the dog is distracted by the sight and feel of the spray on his snout. It gives an audible signal and the spray smells unpleasant to him so he stops what he is doing. Through repetition, your dog learns to associate certain (unwanted) actions with him getting sprayed and will soon modify his behaviour to avoid it. 

Some of these collars also include a pleasant sound to reward the dog when he does something right so not only can you discourage his bad behaviour, you can reward his good behaviour as well, making it even easier for the dog to learn. They are completely safe to use, environmentally friendly, and cause no side effects. They are suitable for all dog types including puppies and are recommended by leading animal experts. 

Dog House Training - The Fastest Way to Train Any Dog Not to Pee on Carpet Or Chew Furniture

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